On board the flight you will be given an Immigration/Customs Form to complete. The forms must be completed prior to entering the Arrivals Hall. Visitors are required to list the address where they will stay while in Barbados. The property address is 3 Johns Plain, Holders Hill, St. James. On the reverse side of the Landing Card is a blue Customs Form to be completed and handed to the Customs Officer once you have collected your luggage.

If you do not like waiting in long lines and are short on patience, we highly recommend Fast Track VIP Arrivals, which is a personal Meet and Greet service that can be purchased in advance for an additional $60.00 per person.  This service includes being personally escorted through Immigration, immediate assistance with baggage retrieval, and continuing on through Customs into an awaiting air-conditioned taxi or other pre-arranged transportation. (transportation costs not included).  Otherwise, typically the immigration process is approximately 1 hour.  However, during high season or special events the process can take much longer.

After you have cleared Immigration you will see numerous “Red Caps.” These men and women are available to help you with your bags, if needed.

There is a Duty Free wine and spirits shop next to the Baggage Claim where prices can be as much as 50% below on-island retail purchases. Especially good bargains are found in vodka, gin and whiskies.  Each person is allowed to purchase up to 2 bottles of alcohol beverages for your enjoyment while on the island.

Unless you have made prior arrangements for a private taxi, upon exiting the Arrivals Hall there is a desk immediately on the left where a taxi dispatcher will direct you to the next available taxi. There are signs with the posted fares of all major island destinations.

There are numerous car rental companies on the island. If you plan to rent a car, it is highly recommended that you make your reservations in advance before traveling.

Barbados’ water is naturally filtered via the limestone and coral and is therefore safe to drink. Some say Barbados’ water is fit for a Queen, as Queen Elizabeth herself declared Barbados’ water delicious.

If you go shopping in any of the island’s duty free stores, be sure to take your passport with you as you will be required to present this documents in order to purchase certain items duty free to take back home with you. Alcohol and tobacco purchases cannot be taken from the store with you, but will be waiting for you at the Chamber of Commerce desk after you clear security in the Departure Lounge.

Bajans drive on the left side of the road which means the steering wheel is located on the right hand side of the vehicle. For those of you who drive on the “other side of the road” please be aware and use caution and look both ways before crossing the road. Easy tip: the steering wheel should always be in the middle of the road, never on the side! Bajans are fond of their car horns. Rarely are horns beeped in anger in Barbados but rather as a friendly hello, as a “please go ahead of me” and as a thank you. A flashing of the lights is an indication “please proceed before me”.

The public transportation system is very good. The blue buses are Government owned; the yellow mini-buses and the small white ZR vans are privately owned.  Bus fares are Bds$2 /US$1 to anywhere on the island. Simply raise your hand to flag down a bus.

United States Dollars are readily accepted throughout the island at a conversion rate of $2.00 Bds equal to $1.00 US. Any other currency can be converted to Barbados Dollars in any of the island’s banks or at the bank by the airport’s Baggage Claim. Upon departure, the Barbados National Bank kiosk located in the Departure Lounge can change any remaining Barbados dollars back to your home currency. All major credit cards are accepted in Barbados, although American Express is not widely accepted.

It is not customary to tip taxi drivers, although a tip will not be refused. The average restaurant tip is 10% but check to make sure a service charge or tip has not been included on your restaurant bill.


The climate in Barbados is notoriously warm all year round and given the sunny nature of the island, be sure you pack plenty of sunscreen. As in all tropical climates, Barbados does have mosquitos , so it is recommended that you bring some form of mosquito repellent.